Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sonic Boom Maze Art

Maze of Sonic Boom by Yanito Freminoshi
Maze of Sonic Boom | Maze Solution
One of the perils of playing iPad casino games is the threat of an emotional hijacking at any point. A typical playing session has a wide range of ups and downs, like riding a roller coaster. But sometimes people luck into long winning streaks when they are playing iPad Roulette or iPad Blackjack, and when the streak stops, they refuse to acknowledge that their luck has changed. They look for any way to bring back the winning streak, placing ever greater sums of money on bets they wouldn't make if they were guided by anything other than their emotions. These kinds of experiences can be reduced, or even avoided entirely if people follow one simple guideline when they visit the iPad casino. They should play while holding their beloved pet cat in their laps. The presence of the cat helps people stay in control of their emotions and provides waves of joy for the cat owner. They are able to withstand the highs and lows that go with playing mobile roulette or mobile blackjack better than they would without their cat with them. That helps them stay calm and listen to their intuition, not their emotions. And that can only help their game. The cat won't change their luck, but it will help them take full advantage of it.

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