Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cat playing around on the ipad

space ipad blackjack cat
Players of online blackjack at the online casino all utilize some strategy when playing. Some players use the most rudimentary strategy by playing with a blackjack strategy card that details the best move the player can make depending on the hand that has been drawn. Players who are unable to memorize the strategy chart are able to play online blackjack with the chart in full view or even on the computer screen. This puts them at a distinct advantage over players at a land based casino who may not play with a strategy chart in front of them. The different strategies that players use are an attempt to reduce the house edge, sometimes quite dramatically. As well as specific strategy charts or methods, players should also make sure that they play blackjack whilst they are in the right state of mind. Players should be calm in a relaxed mood and not dwelling on the stressful events of the day. To assist players to achieve the right state of mind in order to play a successful game of blackjack, it has been suggested that players play in the presence of a pet as this has been scientifically proven to reduce tension and stress and increase the feel good hormones. So, next time you decide to play a game of online blackjack, make sure your favourite cat is within hands reach and is agreeable to a petting session accompanied by a relaxing cat purr.  

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